Here are some of my zombies that we recently did the repaint on, they were built last year, now with more character and personality. How did I make them you may ask, with a lot of Mountain Dew! That would be why I'm posting these pictures at 3:30 in the morning!
The Captain is an avid horror movie fan, a Halloween super-freak, a dark artist, a dreamer of dreams, a film lover, a pop culture nerd, a music lover, a candy maker, a traveler, a foodie, a writer, a teacher, a paper mache’r, and of course The El Capitano!
Nice work! Now get some sleep :)
Those are grade A nightmare fodder!
I just wanted to use the word fodder.
Lookin f'in sweet Capn, wish we could go trick r treating in your neighborhood!
i want one.
They look so great!
Those are fantastic!! Wow, I agree with atomicfox....I want one! :)
Thanks everyone!
lol @ mr macabre!
i want one too!
They look great! Sorry for commenting so late... I had some important matters to attend to. Have a nice day!
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