How bad-ass is Cap'n Crunch?! His hand is flaming and it's shooting out green milk with crunch berry ghosts in it on to a spoon, just because he can! The cereal tastes like regular crunch berry Cap'n Crunch, I haven't tested the milk turning green yet.
He is pretty badass on that cover. I do find some serendipity in the fact the Captain is eating Cap'N Crunch.
How COOL is that?!?! I am going to look for that!!!
On a scale of 1-10, hes pretty badass. I wish more cereal box celebs would get down off their ivory towers and have some fun =D
I saw the unholy trilogy of cereals today at Target for $1.99 a box. I have never had BooBerry before, so I gots to get me some!
"Who the f#@& is BooBerry?"
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