I want to go see this super bad! Its a real deal old school Spook Show, and its in Atlanta which is like a day trip away from me. If I had the cash I would be planning an overnight trip this weekend because the next show is this Saturday. Carrie Mae have you ever been to this, its in your neck of the woods?
They have the show at
The Historically Haunted Plaza Theatre
1049 Ponce De Leon Avenue
Atlanta Georgia 30306

"THE SILVER SCREAM SPOOK SHOW is a 30 minute live stage show filled with magic tricks, dancing girls, jokes, spectacle and frights! We follow it with a classic horror movie on actual 35mm film!"
Check out a video about The Silver Scream Spookshow that was shot by “This Is Atlanta”.
Photo and poster are property of The Silver Scream Spookshow
You'll be disappointed in me: I know that they do this, but I've never looked in to going! I freaking hate trying to park over at the Plaza that much and the fiance works weekends (i.e. can't drive me).
When you say "neck of the woods" you should understand it's literally down the road a few miles from my house. As in, I would only need to make about 1 turn on the trip there. I'm such a shut-in. :(
The theater itself is awesome, though. It's this tiny, old school place and they show Rocky Horror with some regularity. Last time I went they had a horror set-up in the lobby that was adorable (paintings of old school monsters and whatnot); I've been all over the building while working on a commercial shoot, too - it's a good place for a show like that.
The Vortex (the hamburger joint/bar with the big skull entryway) is close enough for dinner though, so it would make an awesome night out! If you ever decide to go, you will let me know? I can't go this month, but I will try to check it out for you in September.
The Silver Scream is a terrific way to spend an evening. If you're close, you really need to head down this way and hit the horrorshow.
There's only been one occasion where I felt the cinematic selection wasn't quite on par with the rest. From the films showcased to the celebration that accompanies the movie, it's just good fun in every way. Especially if you tend to favor entertainment from a darker source or want to support community performers.
Carrie Mae has the right idea about making a night of it. If you want a classic, low-brow, "skulls and rock" experience, The Vortex and The Silver Scream pair together very well.
I'm not disappointed in you; I'm kind of a shut in myself. I go "out" only a couple of times a month, and most of the time it’s to a movie before noon.
I didn’t know that any one was still doing Spook Shows and now that I know, I'm completely obsessed with the whole thing! I thought about it all day at work. I'm going to try and get up there before the end of the year, for sure. I will totally let you know if we come up to ATL. No not "if", but when we come up. I've wanted to go to Vortex since I saw the pictures of it, and now with The Silver Scream right down the street, It’s a must do day trip.
Hey nice to make you blog-acquaintance KingUnicorn. Your sculptures are amazing. I am all about the darker side of entertainment, historic theaters, and community performers, its sounds like its right up my alley.
When you come up, we will meet at the Vortex and I will (gulp) accompany you to the show. And I will mutter a bit about hating to park at the Plaza. :)
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