I ate a whole box of the bats! They have a mild orange flavor, they're just OK. The box I had was perfectly soft. I haven't tried the ghosts yet, but the box says mixed fruit flavors. Found both of these Dots at Michaels up near the registers, I bet Target has them too.

Ahh you gotta love Pop Rocks! These don't taste like pumpkin, actually I don't think they have any real discernable flavor just sweet carbon dioxide goodness. Found the Pop Rocks at the Dollar General in a 3-pack, but saw them at Michaels too.
I found the "Good & Firey" candy that Pumpkin Rot blogged about a few days back. It was a chemically induced mouthful of spicy fruit flavors. The only real standout flavor for me was the sweet and spicy apple which I could have done with just a box of that flavor.
Ive been working so hard since Christmas to be good.. Damn Halloween.. and damn Butterfingers for being so good!
Those damn Butterfingers! LOL
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