Here's a little project I forgot to post anything about around Halloween. My sister in-law wanted to be the old hag from Snow White for Halloween but couldn't find a mask. So she asked me if I could come up with something. I thought I had taken some production photos but I couldn't find any. I think it turned out fairly well for my first attempt at a mask and my first time using paper clay (which I really liked). Here's a couple pictures of Sarah in her costume, and one of me trying it out so I could send her a picture of it prior to her seeing it in person.

I used a lone ranger style mask from the craft store as my base. I built it up with cardboard and masking tape, and then used the paper clay to form the features. I went back after it was dry and squirted glue under the clay to make sure it would stay stuck to the cardboard. It worked out well, she wore it to Disney and on Halloween to our party with no issues.

I'm looking forward to trying out more project with paper clay.
Looks great! Nice eyes, too :)
Looks great. I like how its a half mask instead of a full one. I love masks but they can become so claustrophobic.
Great work! I always forget about Paperclay, fun stuff to work with!
Very nice piece. Looks perfect!
Nice work! I'm planning to use paperclay on one of my new prop project this year. Can't wait to see how that stuff works.
I'd say it turned out marvelously -- I knew exactly what it was just glancing at the thumbnail in my reader!
:) Wonderful stuff, sir.
Thanks everyone! We went with the half mask because she was going to be wearing it at a party and wanted to be able to eat and drink with it on. She wore it on top of her head most of the night, oh well.
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