Stopped back by Old Time Pottery to see what else they'd put out since we were there and found a cool banner for the inside of our front door for only $4.
We bought this one as a gift for Jen's sister Sarah's new home. She's huge a cat lover, but I love her anyway (I'm just playing cat lovers). I love cats too . . . they're delicious . . .
Ha...I picked up the Black Cat crossing at OTP too, but I didn't get it because I wanted to see if the hubby could adhere it to a board and make into something more permanent that would last longer. Loved the banners though!
The Captain is an avid horror movie fan, a Halloween super-freak, a dark artist, a dreamer of dreams, a film lover, a pop culture nerd, a music lover, a candy maker, a traveler, a foodie, a writer, a teacher, a paper mache’r, and of course The El Capitano!
These banner are awesome. It's a good thing that stores are getting their Halloween stuff out.
Ha...I picked up the Black Cat crossing at OTP too, but I didn't get it because I wanted to see if the hubby could adhere it to a board and make into something more permanent that would last longer. Loved the banners though!
The banners are awesome! Great find. When my cats misbehave I tell them they are very lucky I am a vegetarian..... :)
Just kidding too :D
You crack me up...that is why I gave you an award on my blog :)
The banners are great! Just discovered your blog and love it!
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