Saw this fabric at Jo-Ann Fabric & Crafts last night, thought it was fun and retro looking. It reminds me of my elementary school days and Halloweens long past, was that corny? One of these days I'll sew a quilt, I swear it. I'll probably go back and buy some of this fabric to add it to my ever growing stash of "I'm gonna make a Halloween quilt" fabrics.
Someday . . . . . . someday . . .
Sorry about the blurry photo.
Amazing! Would love something made with it. Heck, I'd love a room wallpapered in it!
That is cool. Must get me some also.
That's fantastic! I am going to go check mine and see if they have it in. I can't sew, but I have mastered the art of no-sew fabric glue.
Also, in reference to the 'youthful' days of yonder....if any of the Drive-In movie theaters you know about are within driving distance of Orlando (meaning we'd be able to take the kids there and drive home in the same night) I'd love to know where they are. We only knew of one in Ocala and we just drove by today and they are no longer showing movies. Boo Hiss, my kids don't know what they've missed!
We love to go to the Silvermoon Drive-in down in Lakeland. It has 2 screens with 2 movies per side, is open 7 days a week, and costs $4 ages 10 and Up, $1 for 4 to 9 years old. It has been at the same location for something like 63 years. It takes us about 45 minutes to get there from Mascotte where we live in Lake county. The snack bar is super cheap for food and they make good popcorn. We always bring are own drinks in a cooler because soda tends to be spendy.
They have a sister drive-in called Joyland in Dade City. Joyland has one screen playing 2 movies, prices are the same. Joyland is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays. And is in BFE
We have never been to the big one in Tampa called Funland, but it has 4 screens.
Let me know if you guys go and if you enjoyed it?
Captain Jason
Hey...thank you SO much for that info. I am copying and pasting it right now so that we can take advantage of it. We live on the North side of O-town, but the 429 would make that a do-able trip for sure. I'm so excited! We've been looking around for this very thing. Can't wait for the kids to go. They can't even comprehend it, other than what they've seen on Grease...ha!
I have such fond memories of the parental units packing all us kids into the station wagon in our PJs and going to the drive-in for the night. Gosh...it's been SO LONG since even I have gone. This will be so cool. Thanks again for that detailed info. Will definitely report back on our excursion! :o)
PS...we just went to Lakeland/Tarpon Springs this week and drove home late at night through Mascotte. Parts of the 2 lane road we were on, were a bit scary in the dark and seemed like the perfect place to see Big Foot run across into the woods...ha! Mascotte was very quaint, but boy was that whole area patrolled heavily by cops!
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